winter solstice

the returning of the light. winter solstice is one of my favourite things to celebrate. it signals that we've made it through the darkest days. it feels like an accomplishment of some sort. a small victory to help us get through the winter and a reminder that warmer days are ahead. 

this year, we had a small gathering with close friends in our home. I wanted to bring as much of the outdoors in and fill our home with the natural beauty of cedar, hemlock, pinecones and beeswax. a local grocery store was disposing a box of oranges which I happily took home to turn into something beautiful. this simple little garland filled our home with so much cheer. I am so grateful for this time of year, for a chance to slow down and appreciate the subtle shifts from the darkness to lightness. 



waking dream

We woke early that morning, the sun hardly visible behind a dense layer of fog. It was one of the first cold mornings after an even colder... our tent weighed down with condensation. As we walked down the road, hundreds of webs lit the way. An open field too bright for tired eyes held in it the most magnificent sight. Had we not been close enough to touch, I would have sworn it all a dream.  
